In a major relief for Twitter India MD Manish Maheshwari, the Karnataka High Court has granted interim relief by directing Ghaziabad Police not to take any coercive steps against him in a case pertaining to tweets and videos posted on the microblogging platform related to the assault of an elderly man in Loni border area.
Maheshwari had approached the Karnataka HC after Ghaziabad Police issued him a notice to present himself in person and refused his request to make himself available on video call.
Maheshwari’s counsel told Karnataka High Court that he is just an employee of the organisation and has nothing to do with the offence, plus his client is currently living in Bengaluru. The counsel said that the Supreme Court and
High Court have said that a statement can be recorded through video-conferencing but Ghaziabad Police wants his personal presence.
Maheshwari, a resident of Bengaluru, pointed out that on June 17 police sent him a notice as a witness (under Section 160 of Code of Criminal Procedure). Two days later, they sent him another as an accused (under Section 41 of the CrPC, which would have allowed his arrest).
"I have nothing to do with any of the allegations... some accused uploaded a video but they have registered a FIR against me," he said, adding, "I am in Bangalore. The police sent notice via email. I responded stating I am not in a position to come to Ghaziabad... offered to appear via online. But they want my physical presence."