Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court has taken serious objections to the state government for not releasing compensation amount to victims of sexual harassment. The court has issued a warning that if the compensation amount is not released immediately, the Principal Secretary of the Woman and Child Welfare Department has to appear before the court in the next hearing.
The division bench headed by Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi and Justice Suraj Govindaraju gave the order on Monday while looking into the petition by The People’s Movement against Sexual Assault Association, working for the welfare of victims of sexual assault.
The counsel appearing for Karnataka State Legal Services Authority (KSLSA) informed the court that the government has not released compensation for victims despite the order by the High Court in this regard.
The High Court had
directed the government on March 19, 2020 to release compensation amount to KSLSA. KSLSA has sought funds of Rs 20 crore to be given to victims. However, the government citing the reason of economic crisis has not released any amount. The court had again directed the government to release at least one fourth of the amount by May 2020. But, the government is yet to release any amount yet.
Bengaluru based the People’s Movement against Sexual Assault Association which has submitted a petition in this regard has claimed that, women who are victims of sexual assault are not getting required security and facilities.
The association has demanded free medical facilities, establishment of fast track courts to dispose sexual assault cases speedily, restrictions on media to protect the dignity of women, ensuring security of the victim at the work place.