Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court yesterday issued notice to Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on an election petition filed by a voter to set aside the CM's election from the Varuna assembly constituency in the recently concluded assembly elections in the State. Justice S Sunil Dutt Yadav issued notice to the CM on the plea filed by one KM Shankara who alleged that Siddaramaiah indulged in electoral malpractices during the elections.
The petition said that the Congress party's election manifesto which provided five guarantees to the people of Karnataka amounted to
bribery and undue influence. According to the plea, the manifesto was promulgated with Siddaramaiah's consent and the guarantees amounted to gratification to the electorate of Varuna constituency to induce them to vote for the party.
The petitioner prayed that Siddaramaiah's election be rendered void and that he be debarred from contesting elections for six years due to his violation of the provisions of the Act and the Constitution.
The case was posed for further hearing on 1st September.