Bengaluru: Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra has expressed deep concern over clandestine use of satellite phones in coastal Karnataka.
The issue was raised during the zero hour in the legislative Assembly yesterday.
Responding to the issue raised by Congress party member U T Khadar, the minister said that clear instructions are issued to the police to nab the culprits using the satellite phones in a clandestine manner.
He informed the House that recently 220 instances of satellite phones being used to communicate with foreign countries
have come to the knowledge of the authorities in the coastal areas.
Responding to the issue of religious conversions in the state during the zero hour today, the minister informed the legislative Assembly that a Bill against religious conversions will be introduced in the House at an earliest to prevent conversions done using force or allurments.
He warned religious groups and institutions involved in such activities and said that the police department is issued strict instructions to deal with them.