Thiruvanathapuram: Kerala chief minister Mr Pinarayi Vijayan on Friday hailed the Malayalees who joined hands globally to raise Rs 34 crore for securing the release of Kozhikode resident Abdul Rahim who is facing death sentence in Saudi Arabia. Vijayan took to social media to Mr Pinarayi said at a time when the propagators of hate were fabricating false stories against Kerala, Malayalees were raising their defence through stories of humanity and human love. “What they have created together to save a human life, to wipe the tears of a family, is a
noble example of human love.
This is the real Kerala story. It is a fortress of fraternity that communalism cannot break,” the chief minister said. He congratulated everyone who came together, joined hands, contributed massively to the noble cause and made Kerala proud in front of the world. “The role played by non-resident Malayalees in this humungous initiative is commendable. Let us move forward with one mind, strengthening this unity,” the chief minister said.