Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Saturday stated that the statewide lockdown has been extended till 9 June in order to tackle the covid surge in the state, said news agency ANI. He, however, announced that the triple lockdown in Malappuram district has been withdrawn.
The state has been under lockdown since May 8 after weekend restrictions and lockdown-like curbs imposed earlier failed to create any desired impact in terms of
the daily caseload of the infected persons. On May 16, the lockdown was extended to May 23 and then till 30 May. Meanwhile, the triple lockdown was imposed in four Kerala districts, reporting the highest number of coronavirus cases in the state, earlier this month.
Last week, the triple lockdown was withdrawn in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Thrissur. However, the CM had announced that the triple lockdown would continue at Malappuram.