The Kerala High Court on Wednesday held a special sitting on Wednesday, following the murder of a young lady doctor, who was stabbed to death by a drug addict at Kottarakkara Taluk hospital in Kollam district early yesterday morning.
Expressing shock and dismay, a Division Bench comprising Justices Devan Ramachandran and Kauser Edappagath directed the State Police Chief to file a report on the incident tomorrow. It also directed the First-Class Judicial Magistrate, Kottarakkara to visit the spot and sought a report. The Division Bench asked the Superintendent of the Kottarakkara Taluk Hospital to preserve the CCTV footage at the
The Court will consider the case today
The assailant used a surgical scissor kept in the dressing room of the Taluk hospital to stab the doctor, a house surgeon, while his wounds were being dressed. The victim was taken to a private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, where she breathed her last.
The incident sent shock waves across the state, with doctors joining a state-wide strike in protest against the incident. Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan and Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan visited the hospital, where the body was kept.