A man in Kerala’s Malappuram district died by suicide over his daughter’s dowry harassment. Moosakutty recorded a video before he hung himself on September 23. The video was found later from his phone by the family members. In the clip, he was seen breaking down several times saying it is difficult to see his daughter, Hiba, suffer at the hands of her husband, Abdul Hameed, who has been arrested.
In the video, Moosakutty said, “I am going to commit suicide. I cannot take this anymore. My son-in-law told me to my face that he is seeing my daughter only like a temporary adjustment. These words hurt me a lot. My son-in law has asked me to give 10 more sovereigns of gold, failing which he said he will not take her back home.”
Moosakutty said in the video that he had at first given 18 sovereigns of gold and later when they asked for more. he had given six more sovereigns. Hiba was married to Hameed in January 2020 and is currently staying at her parental house after
Moosakutty’s son Ashif-ul-Rulshad said that his sister was harassed and physically attacked for dowry. Rulshad said, “She was beaten. He tied her to the bed and beat her. He even pricked her legs with needles while she was sleeping. She told me about all this only when she came home for her delivery at 7 months."
Rulshad added that initially they had given about 18 sovereigns of gold, but the family demanded more and they again gave six more sovereigns. He said that a day before the child’s 40th day function, Hiba’s husband and mother-in-law came to their house and demanded 10 more sovereigns of gold and if they fail, they said they won’t take her back.
They said, in front of everyone, that Hiba’s father should commit suicide if he cannot give 10 more sovereigns. Rulshad said from that day his father was very upset. They had already taken a loan of Rs 4 lakh for the marriage. Hameed has now been remanded to judicial custody on charges of dowry harassment.