Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, on Sunday, said that his government was planning to introduce a pension scheme for unmarried people aged between the age bracket of 45 to 60 years in the state.
While responding to a 60-year-old unmarried man's pension-related complaint during the 'Jan Samvad' programme in Kamalpura village of Haryana's Karnal district, Manohar Lal Khattar said, "The state government is planning to launch a pension scheme for unmarried people soon."
"The government will decide on the scheme within a month," he added.
Nearly 200,000 people are expected to benefit from the proposed scheme of the Haryana Government. However, the official number is yet to be decided.
The Haryana government is already disbursing pensions to senior citizens, widows, differently
abled, dwarfs and transgenders of the state.
In the programme, CM Khattar also announced an increase in the old-age pension by Rs 250, taking it to Rs 3,000 per month.
The amount for the pension scheme could be similar to that of the old age pension scheme. However, government officials are yet to confirm the official figure.
The new scheme for giving pensions to singles is being linked to the state assembly elections which are scheduled for 2024. Along with the assembly elections, the proposed scheme is also seen as an effort to improve Haryana's poor sex ratio, which is currently at 917.
According to reports, single men from the state are forced to tie the knot with women from other states, like Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh besides Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Assam and West Bengal.