Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Health Minister Veena George has said so far 257 persons have been identified to have come into contact with the boy, who died due to Nipah virus infection in Kozhikode on Sunday.
Briefing media persons in Kozhikode last evening, the minister said 17 persons have developed mild symptoms, but their condition is stable.
Among those identified, 44 are health care workers. 51 persons have been admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital.
The institutional route map with minute details containing the deceased boy's treatment protocol has been
House to house survey, which began yesterday was completed in 3307 households in the region. The survey will be expanded to cover more households.
She said people tested negative will still remain in isolation, till the incubation period of the virus is over.
A Nipah Management Software has been prepared whereby volunteers will be able to file data from the field itself.
The minister appealed to the public to inform health workers if they come across carcasses of bats and avoid coming into contact with them.