UP: Following the sharp remarks by the Supreme Court, Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Misra ‘Teni’s son Ashish Misra has been arrested by the UP Police in connection with the Lakhimpur Kheri Violence case in which he has been accused of running over his car on protesting farmers and killing 4 of them.
Earlier today, he had appeared before the Crime Branch office in Lakhimpur Kheri pursuant to a notice issued to him by the UP Police asking him to appear before it by 11 am on Oct-9..
Ajay Misra has already been named in a first information report (FIR) for Murder, Criminal Conspiracy in connection with the recent violent incident of Lakhimpur Kheri, in which a total of 8 people died, four of whom were mowed down by a vehicle allegedly being driven by Misra.
As per the media reports, Misra has provided videos and affidavits of 10 persons to claim that at the time of the incident, he was not inside the car which mowed down protesting farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri on October 3.
UP Police SIT, on Thursday, arrested two men in this case, thereafter, the police had pasted a notice outside Ashish Mishra’s house asking him to appear before it in connection with the case.
Supreme Court records its dissatisfaction in the case.
Importantly, the Supreme Court on Friday recorded its dissatisfaction over the investigation done by the Uttar Pradesh Police in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence, which claimed the lives of 8 people, four of them being farmers protesters who were allegedly mowed down by the vehicles in the convoy of Ashish Mishra, the son of Union Minister and BJP MP Ajay Kumar Mishra.
During the hearing, the bench asked why the accused has not been arrested. When Salve said that the police has served the summons on the main accused Ashish Mishra, the bench asked if that was the norm in all murder
The bench pointed out that it was a case of brutal murder of 8 people and in such a case, the police would normally arrest the accused immediately. The bench also pointed out that there were clear eyewitness statements.
The FIR also alleges that the vehicle of BJP MP’s son, Ashish overturned on the side of the road and this caused injuries to several other people present on the side of the road and thereafter, Mishra opened fire, escaped from his car, and hid in the nearby sugarcane field.
The FIR also avers that a video was already viral in the social media, wherein BJP Minister has allegedly seen warning protesters who were opposing the centre’s three farm laws. In the video, he had asked the protesters to mend their ways, however, despite this, the Central Government didn’t act against the BJP Minister.
About the incident
On October 3, several farmers were holding protests against the visit of Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya to Lakhimpur Kheri district, when four protesting farmers were killed after they were mowed down by an SUV.
Allegedly, the SUV was the part of the convoy of Union Minister of State for Home Affairs and BJP MP Ajay Kumar Mishra
Yesterday, the police filed a first information report against Ashish Mishra (son of minister Ajay Kumar Mishra) and several others in connection with the violence under Section 302 IPC.
An alleged video of the incident has also surfaced in social media showing a group of protesters moving forward on a road next to farm fields and then being mowed down by a grey SUV that speeds up from behind.
The Uttar Pradesh government has announced that a retired High Court judge will probe the Lakhimpur Kheri violence and also, 45 lakh compensation would be given to the families of the four farmers killed in the incident.