A special CBI court in Ranchi convicted Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad in yet another scam case in Dumka, now in Jharkhand, and acquitted former Bihar Chief Minister Dr. Jagannath Mishra in the case. The quantum of sentence is likely to be pronounced on Friday.
The court had postponed the judgment on Thursday in view of the counsel for Lalu Prasad filing a petition under 319 CrPC asking the then three officials of the Accountant General (in the 1990s) be made a party to the case. 19 persons have been found guilty, while 12 have been
This is the fifth case relating to the fodder scam, for the fraudulent withdrawal of ₹3.13 crore from the Dumka treasury.
A fifth case relating to alleged fraudulent withdrawal of ₹139 crore from the Doranda treasury in Ranchi is pending with the court.
The over ₹900-crore fodder scam cases relate to illegal withdrawal of money from government treasury in different districts in the Animal Husbandry department in undivided Bihar in the 1990s when the RJD was in power in the State.