Last rites of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Kalyan Singh will be performed today afternoon at Ganga Ghat in Naraora in Bulandshahar district. Many leaders, Ministers and Chief Ministers are expected to reach at the cremation ground.
UP government has declared holiday in the state as a mark of respect for the departed leader. Allahabad High Court and it's Lucknow bench is also closed today on account of demise of Ex UP CM and Rajasthan Governor Kalyan Singh. He breathed his last on Saturday at
Lucknow following prolonged illness.
Yesterday, many national leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid their last respects to Kalyan Singh. Mortal remains of former CM brought from Lucknow to Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar Stadium in Aligarh yesterday for people to pay their last respects. Singh has been chief minister of UP two times and governor of Rajasthan and Himachal pradesh. He had also represented Bulandshahar and Etah in Parliament.