Udaipur: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has said that Public representatives are supposed to be role models for the people. Mr. Dhankhar was addressing the closing ceremony of the 9th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, India Region Conference held in Udaipur, Rajasthan yesterday.
Mr. Dhankhar said that the legislature, executive, and judiciary must act in harmony for the success of democracy. He said that Effective and productive legislature functioning is the safest guarantee to the blossoming of democratic
The vice president said that the government and the opposition play indispensable roles within the framework of Parliamentary democracy. The synergy between the government and the opposition is pivotal.
He said that criticizing the government is the role of the opposition that can take place in front of the House, and that opportunity is being missed. Speaker of Lok Sabha Om Birla, Governor of Rajasthan Kalraj Mishra also addressed the closing ceremony.