Senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad on Thursday said Rahul Gandhi initially had issues with the letter that was written by him and other party leaders for reforms in Party. Azad added that later, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi said elections will be held within a month. But it's not possible, due to coronavirus, so we requested her to continue as President for 6 months.

Speaking on the letter that got leaked, Azad said, "What is the big deal if

the letter was leaked? It's not a state secret to ask for the party to be strengthened and hold elections. Even during the time of Indira Gandhi, the Cabinet proceedings used to get leaked."

"Those who were doing running commentary during CWC, were they not being indiscipline? Persons who were abusing us (for writing the letter), were they not being indiscipline? Shouldn't action be taken against them? We did not abuse anyone," Ghulam Nabi Azad said.
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