In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha has directed for the establishment of Youth Clubs in every Panchayat across Jammu and Kashmir for constructive activities and addressing all the concerns of the young generation.
The Lt Governor was chairing the Governing body meeting of Mission Youth at Civil Secretariat in Srinagar yesterday wherein approvals were accorded to a host of schemes to be launched soon in various sectors which will make a greater impact on the Youth engagement and Livelihood
generation programmes in the Union Territory.
In the first phase, 22,500 Youth from 4290 Panchayats will be engaged in the Youth clubs with Government incurring expenditure to the tune of Rs.12 Crore for this initiative.
Mr Sinha said that these Youth clubs will be the nerve centres for all the youth programs, community involvement, Sports & cultural activities. He called for convergence and linkages of existing schemes with the proposed ones to yield better results.