Vaishali District Magistrate, Yashpal Mena presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Nawab Shafath Ali Khan for shooting over 10,000 crop raiding Blue Bull in the Vaishali district, Bihar. Manje Lal Rai, Chairman, Mukhia Sangh, Vaishali, was also present.
The citation read that Shafat Ali Khan renowned authorized shooter, forest department, Bihar, on Government orders, has shot more than ten thousand rogue and crop damaging
Blue Bull in Bihar’s Vaishali district. Lakhs of farmers have immensely benefited, it said.
“The Mukhia Sangh, Vaishali District, Bihar is therefore honouring him with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding dedication, shooting skill and commitment in helping the affected farmers and bringing normalcy in their lives and livelihood,” the citation read.