Amid rising coronavirus cases in Maharashtra, the Thane administration Monday announced a lockdown in 16 hotspots of the district from March 9 till the end of this month. The order to implement lockdown strictly was given by Municipal Commissioner Dr Vipin Sharma.
After restrictions were eased as part of the 'unlock' phases, parts of Maharashtra started to witness a spike in daily Covid-19 cases, with Thane district being among the worst-hit. A total of 16 localities in
three circles of Thane have been declared hotspots (restricted areas) due to rising cases.
The Kalwa Ward Committee area in Circle One has hotspots in Witwa, Ainagar, Suryanagar, Kharegaon area, while Chendni Koliwara, Wagle and Srinagar area. Circle two have hotspots such as Lodha Amara, Hiranandani Estate, Hiranandani Meadows Housing Complex and Lokmanya. Savarkarnagar Ward Committee Area hotspots are at Dostanagar, Shivai Nagar, Chorus Tower, Kolabad and Rustomji Vrindavan.
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