In Odisha, the state-wide lockdown has entered the second phase from today. The entire state is in lockdown since the fifth of this month that will now continue till the 1st of June, with complete weekend shutdown in between.
This phase of the lockdown has come up with more stringent curbs on the movement of people across the state. People can now avail only a 4 hours window to purchase essential items from 7 a.m. till 11 a.m. on all weekdays. Marriage function would be restricted to a maximum of 25 persons, with funerals, having a
cap of 20 participants only.
Meanwhile, the state government has said that covid-19 infection, having already peaked on the 13th of this month, is now on the wane, with the rate of positivity sliding down from 21 percent last week to 18% now.
While the state's covid-19 active caseload has come down by about one thousand five hundred during the last 24 hours, the covid-19 fatality rate too has declined from 0.40% down to 0.16 % during the last 15 days.