The Lok Sabha was adjourned for the day today following uproar by AIADMK members in support of their demand for the setting up of the Cauvery River Water Management Board.
As the House re-assembled after its first adjournment, the agitating members came into the well raising slogans.Amid noisy scenes, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar accused the Congress Party of disrupting the proceedings reiterating that the government is ready for discussion on their no-confidence motion. He also objected to the display of the placards by opposition members yesterday in support of the motion.
Mallikarjun Kharge of the Congress asserted that his party is ready for discussion and urged the
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan to take it up.Amid sloganeering, Mrs. Mahajan expressed her inability saying that the House is not in order and she cannot take up the motion.
As the agitating members were not in a mood to yield to the request of the Chair, she adjourned the House till 2nd of April.
Earlier in the morning, when the House met after a three-day break, AIADMK members created uproar. Amid noisy scenes, the Speaker said she will be forced to adjourn the House sine die if the members do not allow the House to run. However, later, she adjourned the House till noon. This is for the 17th day, the House has been witnessing repeated adjournments on different issues.