The Lok Sabha was disrupted once again on Thursday amid continuing protests by the opposition over the Rs 12,600 crore Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud and other issues, forcing Speaker Sumitra Mahajan to adjourn the House till 12 p.m.
Members from different parties trooped near the Speaker's podium, raising slogans on different issues, including the banking irregularities.
Speaker Mahajan tried to take up the Question Hour, but in the din, the House was soon adjourned.
Earlier today, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) moved an adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha over
demand for ‘Special Category Status’ to Andhra Pradesh in the ongoing budget session.
The party MPs have been protesting in the Parliament from the commencement of the budget session over the same.The BJP and its Andhra ally TDP have been sharing a sour relationship following the announcement of the Union Budget 2018-19.
While the TDP has been alleging that the Centre neglected the state in the budget, the BJP rejected the charges and said that the Centre not only fulfilled all its obligations but also went out of its way to help the state.