In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan transferred the amount of Rs. 112. 81 crore under the COVID-19 assistance scheme into the account of Rs. 11. 28 lakh construction workers of the state.
Chief Minister Mr Chouhan said that all the poor, including construction workers, are being given free ration of five kg per member for five months, the state government has provided three months ration and the Central
government is giving two months ration.
Meanwhile, the state Cabinet under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Choauhan decided to implement 'Mukhya Mantri Covid-19 Anukampa Niyukti Yojana' to provide compassionate appointment to eligible dependents of those who died while serving in government service during COVID-19 pandemic including daily wage earners, ad hoc , contractual.