In Madhya Pradesh, the State Government has set a target of 10 lakh vaccinations on 21st of June. The State government will launch Mega Vaccination Drive from 21st of June. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that efforts will be made in future also that approximately the same taeget should be taken in the state every day. With this target, 100 per cent vaccination of above 18 years people in the state will be completed by October-November.
Chief Minister was reviewing the situation, arrangements and
vaccination work of Corona in the state.The weekly positivity rate of all 52 districts has come down to less than one per cent. Five or more new cases reported in only four districts.
Bhopal reported 24, Indore reported 21, Jabalpur reported nine and Ujjain reported five new cases. There is no new case of covid-19 in 23 districts of the state. The seven-day positivity rate is 0.3 per cent. State reported 110 new cases of Corona while the number of active patients reduced to 2,727.