In Madhya Pradesh, the corona curfew imposed in Bhopal has been extended till May 3. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that the 'corona curfew' imposed in the state has stabilised covid positivity rates.
Earlier 'corona curfew' was imposed in Bhopal city to curb the rising cases of Covid-19 till April 26. It has now been extended for one more week to Bhopal and Berasia town of the district till 6 am on May 3. Essential
services will be exempted from the corona curfew. Meanwhile the positivity rate is continuously declining in the state.
From 24.29 per cent on April 22nd, it came down to 23.01 percent on April 25. At the same time, the number of patients recovering and returning home has also gathered pace. On April 19, this number was 6,836, which increased to 11 thousand 324 yesterday.