In Madhya Pradesh, police have started a helpline service with the objective of controlling incidents of increased suicides due to stress or other reasons in the time of corona pandemic.
The purpose of this helpline service is to help the aggrieved person in any way. The special feature of this campaign is that the information about the person who takes the helpline services will be kept completely confidential.
The helpline service started by Betul district police has been named Aas-Pas means around so that a distressed, disturbed, or
depressed person does not feel lonely themselves and they realize that help is around them.
Betul ASP Shraddha Joshi told that this service is available 24 hours. The police will also provide the services of a psychiatrist to the needy.
Clinical psychology expert Mayank Rajput said that by identifying the depressed person, we can save precious lives. It is expected that this campaign will have positive results and people will not lose their valuable lives for small stresses.