Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnvis has directed the State Commission for Right to Services to take necessary steps towards the expansion of online services beyond the 536 currently available on the ‘Aaple Sarkar Seva Portal’. While chairing a meeting of the Maharashtra State Commission for Right to Services in Mumbai’s Sahyadri Government guest house, he said, so the citizens can access essential services more conveniently and efficiently.
CM Fadnvis further said that Maharashtra took the lead as the 1st state to offer online services through the ‘Aaple Sarkar Seva Portal’, bringing dynamic and transparent governance to the people.
He said to recognise its impact and expand the range of services available on the portal and to strategize and ensure that citizens can access maximum services online in a more
proactive, seamless, and user-friendly manner.
The Chief Commissioner of the Maharashtra State Commission for Right to Services presented an insightful presentation on the current operational procedures and upcoming plans.
The initiative of expansion of online services will reflect Maharashtra’s commitment to leveraging technology for efficient governance. By expanding the scope of online services, our Govt aims to empower citizens with ease of access, ensuring convenience, transparency, and a better quality of life for all.
The meeting was attended by the Chief Secretary of the State, Upper Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister, Principal Secretaries of concerned departments, all the Service Rights Commissioners of the State and other senior officials.