Mumbai: In Maharashtra, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, and Union Minister Piyush Goyal participated in Yoga demonstrations at iconic Gateway of India. Mr. Shinde said, the state government has planned yoga day celebrations all over the state and 35 lakh citizens are expected to participate in it. Another program is organised in the premises of Maharashtra’s Vidhan bhavan.
Governor Ramesh Bais, Assembly Speaker Rahul Narvekar, Deputy Speaker of legislative council Dr. Neelam Gorhe along with around 2 thousand yoga lovers are participating in
this event. Indian Navy is celebrating the International Day of Yoga in Mumbai on INS Visakhapatnam and INS Mormugao along with various Naval bases. Navy personnel also participated in a yoga demonstration on Marine Drive.
In Nagpur Union Minister Nitin Gadkari participated in Yoga Demonstrations. In Pune, Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan participated in the International Day of Yoga celebration along with delegates of G20’s Education working group.