In Maharashtra, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray inaugurated Balasaheb Thackeray Gorewada International Zoological Park in Nagpur yesterday. The park has been developed by the State Forest Department and Forest Development Corporation. It is spread across an area of 1,914 hectares and includes a wildlife sanctuary, Indian safari, African safari biodiversity park and night safari.
Speaking on the occasion Thackeray announced that, Gondwana Theme Park or Gondwana Theme Village will be set up in Nagpur to
introduce the culture of Vidarbha tribals to the global tourists along with wild tourism.
Mr Thackeray along with a cabinet minister had a tour of the park where he sighted animals like tigers, bears, leopards. Adjacent to the park is the famous Gorewada Lake, which is a good place for bird watching.
The park has been opened for the Indian safari from yesterday. Registration can be done on the website