In Maharashtra, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray yesterday inaugurated 18.5 kilometre-long stretch of Nagpur Metro Aqua line of Maha Metro Rail Network yesterday in Nagpur through video conferencing. He said, the Phase-I of Nagpur Metro is completed in record time. He appealed the citizens of Nagpur and state to take responsibility to maintain the cleanliness in Metro so that it can attract the tourists and passengers not only from India but from worldwide.
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari and Secretary of Ministry of Urban Development D.S.Mishra were present in the function held at Subhash Nagar Metro Station in Nagpur yesterday.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said the proposed Broad-Gauge Metro network will connect the satellite towns like Wardha, Bhandara, Gondia, Chandrapur near Nagpur city. The Broad-Gauge Metro Rail which will be consisting metro coaches with speeding capacity of 120 kilometre per hour will be spread across Indian Railways. He also hoped to manufacture the rolling stock of this
Broad-Gauge Metro at Sindi Dry port in Wardha district in order to reduce the manufacturing cost of rolling stock.
Union Urban Development Minister Hardeep Singh Puri also participated in the inaugural function through video conferencing. He said, Nagpur is among the five fastest growing city in the country and he also assured that entire 38-kilometre stretch of Nagpur Metro Network will be completed till December this year.
The newly inaugurated Nagpur Metro Aqua line passing over the Ambazari lake in city will connect the east and west parts of the city. This Metro line will facilitate the commuters coming from Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation's Hingana area and adjoining areas of the outskirts of the city. This Line will have six stations starting from Lokmanya Nagar to Sitabuldi Interchange Metro Station. Nagpur Metro is the Greenest Metro deriving 65 per cent of its power consumption from Solar Energy. Nagpur Metro network is now operational up to 24.5 kilometres.