Almost two weeks after NCP’s Ajit Pawar along with eight others were inducted into the Maharashtra Cabinet, the state government yesterday announced the portfolio allocation. As per the new arrangement, BJP had to let go six of its portfolios while the Shiv Sena had to give up three. The new state cabinet now has 29 members, including the Chief Minister and two Deputy Chief Ministers. The cabinet can be further expanded to reach a total of 43 ministers.
Newly appointed Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has been allocated the much coveted Finance Ministry while Dilip Walse Patil has been named as the new Cooperation Minister. Henceforth, Dhananjay Munde will be in charge of the state’s Agriculture Ministry
while Aditi Tatkare will helm the Women and Child Development Ministry. Veteran Chhagan Bhujbal will handle Food and Civil Supplies while Dharmarao Atram will preside over Food and Drug Administration Department. Maharashtra’s Medical Education Department will now be headed by Hasan Mushrif, while Sanjay Bansode will lead Sports and Youth Welfare and Anil Patil will head the Relief and Rehabilitation department.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde will continue to look after urban development, transport, social justice and environment among others while Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis continues to hold the Home, Law, Power and Water Resources ministries.