Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has announced a compensation of Rs five lakh for the kin of each of the deceased in last night’s fire at Sunrise Hospital. At least ten people have lost their lives while over 70 others have been shifted to other hospitals in the vicinity after a level-four fire was reported at around 12.30 am last night. 22 fire-engines were dispatched to fight the blaze.
Mr. Thackeray visited the Dreams Mall in Mumbai’s suburb of Bhandup, where the hospital is located to take stock of the situation. Speaking to reporters, Mr. Thackeray said strict action will be taken against all those responsible for the unfortunate incident. Mr. Thackeray clarified that the hospital had been set up on an urgent and temporary basis to deal with the rising COVID infections last


Stating that the hospital’s permit would have expired by the end of this month, Mr. Thackeray said he is issuing orders for conducting fire safety audits of all COVID care centers and hospitals catering to COVID patients so as to avoid such an incident in the future.
Earlier today Mumbai Mayor Kishori Pednekar had said that she was surprised to see a hospital inside a mall. Meanwhile, preliminary information suggests that fire originated inside some shops and not at the hospital.

President Ram Nath Kovind has mourned the loss of lives in the fire mishap. In his message, Mr. Kovind said that his thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims of the tragedy. He wished for the speedy recovery of the injured.
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