In Maharashtra, Health Minister Rajesh Tope yesterday said that the State Government has classified Mucormycosis as a notified disease under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897. The Minister informed that there are 2,245 cases of this disease in the state. He also said that these patients will receive free treatment under the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana at the state-run hospitals.
Speaking after the review meeting on measures against Corona and Mucormycosis in Mumbai today, Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope said that Mucormycosis has been declared as a notifiable disease by the Government of Maharashtra.
Therefore, records of every patient suffering from this infection will be registered. Also, under the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana, Mucormycosis patients will be provided free treatment and 131
hospitals across the state have been notified for this.
He added, the state government is making efforts to ensure that the rates fixed for the treatment of Corona patients in private hospitals are applied to the patients with Mucormycosis and treated accordingly. Tope said that at present there are 2,245 patients with Mucormycosis in Maharashtra.
Tope has informed that the state would get 60,000 vials of Amphotericin-B, the key drug for the treatment of Mucormycosis patients, from June 1 onwards. It will be an additional supply apart from the current allocation of the medicine by the Centre. The Health Minister said that Asha volunteers would now be trained for Rapid Antigen Testing and self-diagnosis of COVID-19 in rural areas. There are around 70,000 Asha volunteers in the state.