Maharashtra has decided to impose a night curfew across the state from March 28 (Sunday night) onwards in view of rising Covid-19 cases. The curfew will remain effective till further orders. A separate order in this regard will be issued by the Disaster management and rehabilitation department soon, Maharashtra's Chief Minister Office informed on Friday.
In view of the increasing number of corona patients in the state, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has instructed to impose a night curfew in the entire state from Sunday night (March 28) to
avoid congestion, implement some strict measures to curb the growing infection and implement it effectively.
Concerned about the covid situation in the state, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said, "I have no intention of imposing a lockdown, but given the growing number of patients, there is a possibility that the health facilities that we have set up on a large scale across the state will also be reduced."
He also directed each district to focus on the availability of health facilities, beds and medicines and the need to increase them.
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