The Maharashtra government has issued fresh guidelines for private offices, cinema halls and auditoriums to operate in view of the rising graph of coronavirus in the state. The government has asked all private offices to function at 50 per cent capacity. Also, all drama theatres and auditoriums have been asked to operate on 50% capacity and people without mask be barred from entering the premises.
"All private offices except related to health and other essential services to function at 50% capacity in line with the order dated March 15," the latest order undersigned by Chief Secretary Sitaram Kunte said. In the case of
government or semi-government offices, the head of the office will take a decision regarding the staff attendance.
The decision to reduce the attendance of staff has been taken to ensure adequate social distancing.
For the manufacturing sector, the government said that measuring the temperature of staff and covering face with a mask are mandatory. It said that the organisation should provide adequate hand sanitizers at convenient locations to the staff.
The fresh measures for the containment of Covid-19 will remain in place till March 31 and that government departments will have to implement these guidelines strictly.
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