Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has decided against imposing a complete lockdown in the state. However, a weekend lockdown has been ordered to check the spike in coronavirus cases. Meanwhile, night curfew and other strict curbs will be in place. Only essential services will be allowed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Meanwhile, restaurants will be permitted to operate only for take-away and parcel services. Office employees will have to work from home. A number of key decisions were taken at an
emergency cabinet meeting chaired by Uddhav on Sunday.
. Complete lockdown on Saturdays and Sundays
. Curfew in the state from 8 pm till 7 am
. Section 144 in the day
. Malls, restaurants, bars shut
. Govt offices to operate with 50% capacity
. No bar on vegetable market, but protocols to lessen crowd
. Theatres to shut
. Public transport to operate with 50% capacity
. Theatres, drama theatres will be shut, while film and television shootings will continue if there is no crowding
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