Mumbai: Maharashtra government has removed certain lockdown relaxations from today. In the backdrop of 21 cases of Covid-19 Delta Plus variants found in Maharashtra, revised lockdown guidelines are imposed in the state form today. Union ministry of health had sent a letter to Maharashtra to take immediate steps to control the pandemic.
Accordingly, Maharashtra chief secretary Sitaram Kunte imposed more restrictions in the state. In the second week of June state had relaxed certain restrictions imposed in the state. Malls, theatres, restaurants, offices were open in full capacity where number of cases of Corona virus are low But in the last week, 21 cases of Delta Plus variant found in the state and registered death of one patient infected with this variant.
Accordingly, as per the
instructions of union health ministry, state government has removed certain relaxations given in lockdown. The modified order has been in force from today. Under the new guidelines, malls and theatres shall remain closed. Mumbai local services are allowed for essential services employees.
Shops selling essential items can remain open upto 4 PM on all days while non essentials selling shops shall open only on weekdays till 4 PM. Public transport shall operate with only sitting capacity and no standings are allowed. Restaurants shall remain open only upto 4 PM and only takeaways are allowed after that. Govt. offices will operate with 50 percent capacity while private offices can operate till 4 PM. Section 144 is applicable in all places banning gathering of five or more persons.