While Maharashtra, along with the nation is battling the second phase COVID-19, a new threat called Mucormycosis or black fungus is looming over the corona survivors and the patients undergoing COVID -19 treatment. With an estimated 2000 cases of black fungus reported in the state till now, the government has taken a series of measures to take control of the situation.
With an unspecified number of deaths due to Black Fungus and an estimated current 2000 cases of the disease, Maharashtra health department has decided to create a separate database for cases of Mucormycosis, primarily being found in COVID-19 patients, to assess its actual spread and how to tackle it.
State Health Minister Rajesh Tope had earlier said Maharashtra reported
approximately 1,500 cases of Mucormycosis or ‘black fungus’ from 12th to 13th May. He had further said there could be over 2,000 mucormycosis patients in the state and with more COVID-19 cases coming up, their number would increase.
On Wednesday, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had said as many as 111 COVID-19 survivors were undergoing treatment for mucormycosis in hospitals. Meanwhile, Wardha-based Genetek LifeSciences in Maharashtra has received FDA approval to make Amphotericin B injection for treating Black Fungus infection and its production will begin in 15 days. Genetek Life Sciences will produce twenty thousand injections per day and it will be available for 1200 rupees.