Maharashtra government has decided to celebrate the week during March 8 to March 12 as Women’s Day Week this year. School Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad has said various programmes and activities will be held at state, district and school level during the week.
The Minister will inaugurate various activities for the empowerment of girls under the special programme “Jagar Janivancha” which is organized by the State Council for Educational Research and Training on both offline and online modes today.
A lecture by Eminent speaker on women empowerment and changing perspectives of the society will be organised on the next day. Guidance will be provided by the experts to the girls about new career opportunities and financial resources in this week. Awareness will
be created about the various laws safeguarding the interests of the women.
Special interview sessions of eminent social workers will be held who have contributed in social and educational field.
Similarly, oratory competitions, experience sharing, counseling, debate sessions, special shows of films/ videos based on women empowerment as well as inspirational lectures for women in the districts will be organized at district, taluka and school level.
Varsha Gaikwad has appealed the stakeholders to participate in this celebration and use the hashtag #MahilaDin2022 #womensdaymh2022, and upload videos and materials related to the activities on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instragram and Twitter.