Mumbai: Maharashtra government has decided to give awards to all the police personnel involved in Saturday's Naxal encounter in the district. Guardian Minister of Maharashtra's Gadchiroli district Eknath Shinde yesterday informed that the decision aims to raise the morale of the police force. Mr. Shinde also congratulated Gadchiroli Superintendent of Police Ankit Goyal and C60 Commandos.
Mr. Shinde also said that the state government has taken concrete steps for the overall development of Gadchiroli and the district is moving away from the influence of Naxals towards the mainstream of development. The
minister also clarified that Rs 10 crore has been allocated for the rehabilitation of surrendering Naxalites.
He said that the clash at Gadchiroli on the Chhattisgarh border lasted for about ten hours and this action has been noticed by all the states. Mr. Shinde stated that Saturday's operation was one of the major anti-Naxal operations in the last few days in which twenty-six Naxalites, including Milind Teltumbde, a member of the Maoist Central Zone Committee, were killed. Our correspondent reports that police also seized 5 AK-47 rifles and several weapons from the spot.