Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope took to Twitter late Thursday to inform that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
Tweeting in Marathi, Rajesh Tope said, "I have tested positive for coronavirus. I am in good health and consulting a doctor. With the blessings of all of you, I will soon be in your service after defeating Covid-19."
Rajesh Tope advised those who had come in his contact in past few days to get themselves tested for the infection.
who had come in contact with me should be careful and get tested for coronavirus immediately if symptoms appear," Rajesh Tope said in his tweet.
Maharashtra has been witnessing a fresh spike rise in Covid-19 cases for the past few days. On Thursday, the state reported 5,427 new coronavirus cases and 38 deaths due to Covid-19 in 24 hours. Meanwhile, 2,543 patients were discharged today in the state leaving 40,858 active cases in the state.The case fatality rate in the state is 2.48 per cent.
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