Maharashtra finance minister Ajit Pawar yesterday announced hike in the MLAs local development fund from four crore rupees to five crore rupees, for the overall development of the state.
Replying to the debate on state Budget 2022-23 in the legislative assembly, Mr. Pawar said, the state is riding on the path of development by implementing various measures while tackling the Covid situation as well as during the natural calamity.
He said, farmers’ are the focal point for the development of the state, adding that those farmers’ who are repaying their loan on time would be given fifty thousand rupees as encouragement subsidy.
He said, provision of allocating three percent additional fund has been made for the Vidarbha region. Similarly he said for Marathwada region also proper allocation of fund has been made.
Pawar’s junior minister, Shambhuraje Desai while replying to the
debate in the state legislative council said that despite inadequate inflow of revenue due to the COVID situation, the state government has tried to give financial discipline. Mr. Desai who is the Minister of State for finance in the Maharashtra government said that the government ensured that there is no scarcity of funds to mitigate the Covid crisis despite financial instability.
He said, the state government has borrowed loan by sticking to the limit laid down by the Central Government.
He said, the leakages in fund was appropriately plugged-in.
Mr. Desai said, from 2019 till March this year, the state’s GST compensation of Rs. 26 thousand 500 crore is still pending.
He further said, 4 lakh crore rupees of investment is expected from the 98 projects that will come into the state through various memorandum of understandings.