Maharashtra Urban Development Minister Eknath Shinde has directed all Municipal Corporations in the MMR area to prepare a cluster plan to find a permanent solution to the problem of dangerous buildings in the Mumbai Metropolitan Area (MMR).
A special meeting was held on Monday to discuss exactly what can be done to find a permanent solution to this question. The meeting also directed the court to expedite the disposal of dangerous buildings to expedite the rehabilitation of dangerous buildings.
All the Municipal Commissioners in the MMR area said that the delay in redevelopment of dangerous buildings was due to disputes between landlords and tenants, stalled redevelopment due to delay in legal
process and difficulties in rehabilitation.
On this, Maharashtra urban development Minister Eknath Shinde directed every Municipal Corporation in the MMR area to consider implementing cluster schemes within its limits. He also directed all municipal commissioners to suggest exactly what measures can be taken by the government for the redevelopment of buildings which cannot be included in the cluster plan or what changes can be made in the existing measures.
He said in every rainy season transit camps should be set up in every municipal boundary for the temporary shelter of the citizens living in such dangerous buildings, for which funds should be provided.