Mumbai: Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday said the State’s first budget in the Amrit Kaal will be based on ‘Panchamrut’ or five major goals. Presenting his first Budget as the State’s Finance Minister, Mr. Fadnavis enlisted the five goals - Sustainable Farming-Prosperous Farmers, Inclusive Development, Infrastructure Development, Employment Generation and Environment-friendly Development.
Talking about the first goal, Mr. Fadnavis announced an additional cash benefit of six thousand rupees under the ‘Namo Shetkari Mahasanman Nidhi’ that will supplement the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Samman Nidhi Yojana. He said, the scheme will benefit 1.15 crore farmers while the State will bear a burden of 6900 crores annually.
He also announced that cash benefit of 1800 rupees per year for farmers in 14 suicide-hit districts instead of grains distributed through PDS. The Budget also proposed to provide crop insurance to farmers at a nominal rate of one rupee. The State government also announced insurance cover of five lakh rupees for fishermen with an outlay of 508 crores.
Mr. Fadnavis announced an outlay of 200 crores for ‘Maharashtra Shri Anna Abhiyan’ for technology diffusion, crop demonstrations, value chain development, promotion and publicity of millets and setting up of ‘‘Shri Anna Excellence Centre’ at Solapur.
Under the inclusive development header, Mr. Fadnavis announced an outlay of 2,843 crore rupees for the Women and Child Development Department. Announcing a new scheme, Lek Ladki, Mr. Fadnavis said yellow and orange ration card holder families will get a subsidy of 5,000 rupees after the birth of a girl child, 4,000 rupees in class I, 6,000 rupees in class VI and 8,000 rupees in class XI. After completing 18 years of age, a cash amount of 75,000 rupees will be given to the beneficiary
While announcing 50 new women’s hostels, Mr. Fadnavis said that women passengers will be given a 50 per cent discount for their travel via State transport buses. The Finance Minister further announced a rise of 1500 as an honorarium for 81,000 Asha volunteers and 3,500 group promoters working in the State.
Announcing an outlay of 16,494 crore rupees for Social Justice and 3,996 crore rupees for the OBC welfare department.
In this year’s Budget, Mr. Fadnavis announced a new Housing scheme called ‘Modi Awas Gharkul Yojana’ that will see the construction of ten lakh houses for OBCs in the next three years.
On the infrastructure front, an expenditure of 14,225 crore rupees has been proposed for roads and bridges.
Talking about employment, 29,870 candidates have been selected through 317 employment fairs in the last six months.
The State proposed to develop 816 schools as “PM Shri Schools” as per the New Education policy and 1,534 crore rupees will be allocated over the next five years. Mr. Fadnavis also announced a hike of ten thousand rupees in the honorarium of education sevaks.
Mr. Fadnavis further announced that "Mission Lakshvedh" will be implemented to enhance the performance of the athletes. On the tourism front, Mr. Fadnavis said “Tent cities" will be set up at ten tourist spots across the State.
Talking about the final goal related to the environment and sustainable development, Mr. Fadnavis announced a total outlay of 13,437 crore rupees.
Mr. Fadnavis proposed an outlay of 115 crore rupees for the construction of modern facilities and studios of international standards at Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagari Goregaon, Mumbai and Chitranagari at Kolhapur.