At the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, the Makar Sankranti Amrit Snan is underway. Among the 13 Akharas, each Akhara has been notified of its designated time and sequence. The Mahanirvani Panchayati Akhara was the first Akhara to take the holy dip at the Triveni Sangam early this morning. Shri Panchayati Akhara Nirmal will be the last Akhara to take the Amrit Snan. Elaborate security arrangements are in place for
the grand event.
Yesterday, over one crore fifty lakh devotees and pilgrims took the holy dip as the world’s largest spiritual and cultural gathering Mahakumbh began on Paush Poornima.
Flower petals were showered on devotees from helicopters. The Maha Kumbh will continue till Mahashivaratri on 26th February.