In Tamil Nadu, the beginning of the month Thai, marking the onset of Spring Harvest season is celebrated as Pongal. The season is celebrated for three days. Today the people offer their harvest to the Sun in the morning. Pongal festival is mainly a festivity that is connected with the harvest and agriculture. Pongal is a menu cooked with milk, rice, moongdhall, jaggery and ghee in painted rice pots in traditional clay stoves outside the houses under the sugarcane pandal.
Pongal means overflowing that is why, Thai Piranthaal vazhi pirakkum is an old saying which means the birth of this month will make a way for things to be accomplished. Colorful rangolis can be seen in front of houses. Festoons are made with new mango leaves and
turmeric leaves signifying prosperity and happiness.
Tomorrow is Mattu Pongal for the cattle which helped the farmers in plowing the fields. The last day of the Pongal season is Kaanum Pongal where people visit their relatives and spend time together.
In Assam, the Magh or Bhogali bihu is being celebrated across the state with traditional fervor and gaiety. People from all sections of life have participated in the joyous celebration of the post harvest festival. Traditional Meji and Bhelaghar made of thatch and woods have been set on fire amidst chanting of prayers. Community feasts were organized last night on the occasion of Uruka.