New Delhi: Having been served a final warning, Twitter on Wednesday said it is making every effort to comply with the new IT rules which came into force last month and has shared a progress report with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEiTY), wherein it is said to have cited the pandemic-induced constraints for the delay on its part.
According to sources, in its progress report to the MeitY, Twitter has stated that it is in advanced stages of finalising a chief compliance officer as per the new IT rules and additional details will be submitted to the
government within a week. Twitter in its reply to the final notice of the government dated June 5, said that it is making all efforts to comply with the new guidelines but has been unable to do so because of the global impact of COVID-19 pandemic.
“...We are in advanced stages of finalising the appointment of the role of chief compliance office and we plan to provide additional details to you in the next several days, and at the latest within a week,” Twitter said. Source said, the letter was sent on June 7 to the Ministry.