A day after three Maldives ministers posted derogatory remarks against India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Mohamed Muizzu-led government suspended the trio on Sunday. Those who are suspended include
Mariyam Shiuna, Malsha and Hassan Zihan.
Mariyam Shiuna, Deputy Minister of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts, while commenting on the photos of PM Modi, dubbed him as a ‘clown’ and a ‘puppet of Israel’. “What a clown. The puppet of Israel Mr Narendra diver with a life jacket #VisitMaldives,” Shiuna tweeted. Her critical comments came as India has maintained good relations with Israel even though the country has been engaged in the ongoing war against Hamas. India, however, since the start of the conflict has helped Palestine, sending humanitarian aid and has actively advocated two-state
Ignoring the fact, the minister called Prime Minister Modi a "puppet of Israel".
In fact, several of the ministers even claimed that Indian beaches could not meet the cleanliness level of the Maldives beaches. “The move is great. However, the idea of competing with us is delusional. How can they provide the service we offer? How can they be so clean? The permanent smell in the rooms will be the biggest downfall," Zahid Rameez, a Council member of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) wrote on X.
This triggered a major row on social media platforms, wherein the former President and Foreign Minister of Maldives denounced their country's leaders' comments. Former president Mohamed Nasheed denounced the comments and suggested his successor to distance his government from the controversial comment.