Congress Chief Mallikarjun Kharge penned a letter for the former Prime Minister of India and party veteran Manmohan Singh who retired from the Rajya Sabha marking an end to his illustrious 33-year-long parliamentary journey on Tuesday. Kharge termed Singh retirement as an 'end of an era'. He also applauded the outgoing leader for his contributions to Indian politics and the nation. 

Kharge lauded Singh's efforts for the rural poor. He wrote, "The MGNREGA scheme launched under your government continues to provide relief to the rural workers during times of crisis. The nation and particularly the rural poor will always remember

you for ensuring that they can earn a living and live with self-respect through this scheme."

Appreciating Singh's efforts as Finance Minister, he wrote, "The economic prosperity and stability that we enjoy today is built on the foundations laid by you along with our former Prime Minister, Bharat Ratna Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao. The current set of leaders who have reaped the benefits of your work are reluctant to credit you due to political biases. In fact, they seem to go out of their way to speak ill about you and make personal attacks against you. However, we also know that you are large hearted enough not to hold that against anyone."
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