West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Monday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the union government to work together with opposition parties and refrain from the “politics of vendetta” to revive the economy.
“Everybody should work together to improve the economic condition. If needed Prime Minister Narendra Modi should speak to the opposition parties,” the TMC supremo said at a post budget press conference.
Mr. Banerjee referred to the recent comments by RBI on the state of the economy and said the union
government should look after it, instead of being busy in the politics of hatred.
“Whatever RBI is saying is a sensitive matter. The union government should look after the economy, instead of being busy in the politics of hatred. The prime minister should take everybody along, if needed hold discussions with opposition parties,” Ms. Banerjee said while urging the union government to refrain from the “politics of vendetta“.
The Union government nowadays does not consult States before taking any decision, Mr. Banerjee alleged.