A Madhya Pradesh resident surprised his wife by gifting her a house, which is a replica of the Taj Mahal in Agra. A man from Madhya Pradesh’s Burhanpur has constructed a luxury Taj Mahal-like four-bedroom house as a gift to his wife, just as Shah Jahan built the renowned monument as a sign of love for his wife Mumtaz.
An educationist, Anand Prakash Chouksey, had the four-bedroom building built for his wife, Manjusha Chouksey. The couple flew to Agra to see the Taj Mahal for inspiration. They took a close look at the building’s architecture and asked the engineers to take note of the structural elements.
At first, Chouksey wanted his engineers to construct a structure that was 80 feet tall. Permission for such a construction, however, was denied. After being turned down, he resolved to construct a Taj Mahal-style edifice.
For the inside carving,
he invited the expertise of artists from Bengal and Indore. The house’s dome stands at a height of 29 feet. It includes Taj Mahal-style towers, and the house’s flooring is constructed of Rajasthan’s ‘Makrana,’ whereas the furniture is crafted by Mumbai artisans.
Chouksey’s one-of-a-kind home took three years to complete. Engineers based the structure on a 3D image of the Taj Mahal.
The house measures 90 square metres in size and has minarets, according to consulting engineer Praveen Chouksey. The basic structure is 60 square metres in size. The dome stands at a height of 29 feet. It contains a large hall, two bedrooms on the first floor, and two bedrooms on the second floor, a library, and a meditation room.
Not only is that, but the lighting inside and outside the house is designed such that it glows in the dark like the real Taj Mahal.